
How to strike a responsive chord of bisexual?

If a girl is a lesbian, a boy cannot win her love. Likewise if a boy is gay, a girl cannot win his love.

If you want to fall in love with a bisexual. The precondition is you can accept the fact that he/she is bisexual. There are two situations will to happen. The one is that he/she will love you as the only one. Somebody don’t know that not all the bisexual must love both girl and boy. They can have one partner likewise. So if you like the bisexual, don’t let him/her go. You know, as a the most.

bisexual free online date and have fun with gay&lesbian&straight

 Second kind situation is that the bisexual love both girl and boy. If you are bisexual too. You can date with other people as Bi-couple. Both of you will get happiness. If you are not bisexual. You can date with others as Bi-curious. Exploring the world that belong to bisexual. 

There are a lot of prejudices to bisexual. Somebody think that there have no true bisexual exist. They just want get more partners. This is a very rapacious behavior. They cannot satisfy to have only one lover. But when we call the name of one thing, it’s not because what it name is. The truth is that the thing is really exist. Everything real is rational.

We can research the reason why bisexual was coming out. But no one could negative the exist of bisexual. People always fear the unknown things. Unknown means couldn’t be controlled. But what I want say is bisexual is exist and unaided. They have no difference with others. Bisexual is alive around us.

I know not everyone can agree with the bisexual. But this is life. We cannot make all people like us. We are not the god. We are human. We love ourselves, we love our friends, we love our family, we are bisexual. We have a community onlybidaitng.com here. Only bisexual could join the group. Don’t meaning that we can only have fun with bisexual. The purpose is that to enjoy ourselves and don’t disturb others. Do you agree?